Down at the mantı place,
near the beach, two gold
rimmed plates of garlic
yoğurt marbled with
tomato olive oil, red
pepper flakes, and dried
mint hiding a constellation
of hot dough, are set on
the blue, plaid tablecloth
that almost matches your
shirt, as chrysanthemums
reach out of the stained
glass vase at the centre
to cover half of your face.
Bikini briefs hanging from the bathtub faucet like some tired fruit dripping nectar.
Gamze S. Saymaz is a Berlin-based poet and video artist originally from Istanbul. She was awarded a BA in psychology and in English literature from Yeditepe Universitesi. She is now pursuing an MA at Freie Universitat Berlin with a focus on film. Her work has been published in Bosphorus Review of Books, FU Review, and Tint Journal. Her shorts have been shown at Studio H, Komsu Kafe Collective, KargART, and most recently online in collaboration with the performance art platform Body in Perform. Gamze is currently an editor for FU Review Berlin, makes personal documentaries on vulnerability, and watches horror movies. Read more poetry in SAND 25.
prinzenbad by Ozan Zakariya Keskinkılıç tr. Özgecan Kesici
Poetry | Issue 27: Bridging (translated